Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Term 1 Week 4

  Hey, here to post about Literature lesson on term 1 week 4. Monday: Okay, so basically, we only did reading for that lesson. This lesson is all about mercy. Mr Chua explained to us about the play. We asked some questions about the meanings in the play.

  After all the explanation, I roughly know what the play is all about. Mr Chua gave us a worksheet about qualities of Mercy. Mr Chua told us to do the worksheet as homework. We were supposed to write an example of our religious gods' example of mercy. Free thinkers and Hindus were suppposed to find Hindus' gods example of mercy. I was finding about a Buddhist example of mercy. This was what I had found out on the net:

Let thousands of people
Receive the light of mercifulness
Let thousands of people
Bathe in the great grace of heaven
Let thousands of people
Transcend from the sea of sufferings

Do not compare with the others
Do not compete with the others
Establish a right objective
Do not hesitate or hinder yourself
Accept the sufferings and live with the sufferings
Feel the tragedies of mankind
Give joyousness whenever required
In return, you shall receive mercy.

  I think that everybody has their own nature of mercy. It depends on how natural mercy is in us. It depends how kind hearted we are and how we judge people.


  Mr Chua punished us as our class was in chaos. He told us to bring down our Literature notes and I was wondering where was he bringing us to, but I knew that he was going to punish us.

  Mr Chua made us sit at the grass patch under the sun.(Well, not directly under the sun, but it was really warm). He discussed about this year School's theme; Friendship.
He explained to us about the friendship between Antonio and Bassanio. He then questioned us about the qualities of friendship.

  He gave us time to discuss with some of our classmates and he invited Amy, Er WeiSheng and Daryl to share about their opinion. We went back to class after that. Mr Chua each gave us a blank, white post card and told us to decorate the post card to our best friend. Mr Chua told us that he would give each of us a envelope with a stamp and send it to the reciever.

  I think that friendship is really important as friends is somebody that we can love, someone that we can share our secrets to, someone you feel that you can share things without feeling awkward and they can push you beyond your boundaries. They provide you the shoulder that you can lie on, someone that is loyal to you, a soul mate, friends are fated to meet each other. I shall end my post here.

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